Monday, May 11, 2009


Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer

I just finished reading Into the Wild about Christopher McCandlles, who grows up in a well to do middle class family. Upon his graduation from law school with top grades he decides to change his life and leaves his family and materials and tramps around the states enjoying his freedom and no responsibilities. After a few years of adventures on the road, he decides to life the dream of escaping the civilisation and leaving all responsibilities and dependencies behind, to the full.
He travels to the Alaskan wilderness with only a gun, some rice and clothes. He will spend the summer in the wilderness living of the land and what he can find of berries and game. His dream is to free him self from civilisation and life in, with and by the wild nature. Unfortunately he eats some poisonous berries and dies.
Although Alexander Supertramp, as he calls him self, really inspires me and fascinates me with his set of mind to free him self of dependencies, responsibilities and material goods, he takes it a bit too far. Though spending a summer in the wilderness living of fruit, fish, mushrooms and even grows some potatoes and tomatoes sounds very appealing. Just for a summer to live like that will probably bring a lot of peace to the mind. And I would probably realise what the important things in life is. Alex and me are probably very much a like, the only difference is he did it.
He reads Jack London, Leo Tolstoy and Henry Thoreau.
In the book especially one episode attacks me… he describes his feeling when he is leaving a town where he worked at McD. Now he feels right again, with all his belonging on his back and the road is open. He can go and do what ever he wants and feel is right. He has no responsibilities, obligations, no where he has to go and no body he has to meet. The ultimate feeling of freedom.

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