Monday, May 11, 2009

Being Expat

Being an Expat

In this chapter of my blog and my life I will discuss different aspects of being an expat.
At the moment I am “home” in Copenhagen, where I walk the well known street. Though the street are not as well known as they were 5 years ago before I moved to Ireland. Now a days I even get lost some times, but it never takes me long to regain my sense of direction.
I keep expect to meet some body I know from college, from a party, from a work place or just from some where or some times. Anyway this was the situation five years ago before I left. But nowadays I don’t bump into any body I know. Is it me who have forgotten all about them or have they moved away? The first couple of times and years when I wan back home in Copenhagen I felt like I was returned from a long holiday and I greeted all the people I knew I met on my road. This was a great feeling. But in the resent years I feel more and more like a stranger in my old home town of Copenhagen.

“Home”…. Where do I feel at home?

What am I? Danish, Irish, European , Cosmopolite or some thing else?

Well during my last visit to Copenhagen I definitely felt very Copenhagenish. During a visit of two weeks I bumped in to 12 people by chance. Many more if I take all the acquaintances I know from the beer, brewing and pub world into account. I really felt at home and it was great to meet my past. Some of them I had not seen for 5-6 years, and it was very unexpected and a really great feeling. Besides that I met lots of friends and family by appointment and really felt at home. I wonder if I ever will loose this feeling in Copenhagen. Definitely not, if I keep going to Copenhagen this regularly and still know all these people. Well but to be honest after two weeks I actually missed Ireland and the Irish, their laid backness and easygoingness.

Expats Burden

Well, a little comment on being expat now I will go on holiday tomorrow. I am going home to Denmark for two weeks to visit my family and friends. Most of my holidays are like this. Ok I have been in both Berlin and Belgium in the spring, but only for 4 days each place. The long holiday I always go to Denmark. Of course it is great to see my friends and family and of course I want to see them as much as possible. And that is the reason why I am going there.
How ever some times it would be nice to go some where else for a longer period of time. Would love to go over seas to Asia ie, but with the limited holidays I have , it is almost impossible due to my obligations – and desire - as expat to go home and connect with family and friends.
It felt like travelling just being abroad the first year or so. But that feeling has long gone and Ireland feels like home.
Any way maybe it is time to leave, travel, I need to see some thing else… a change of scenery…. As well I need to get rid of all my belongings and obligations… I need the road and the world to be wide open!!!

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